Experience inner peace
Dive deep within an experience your inner realities. Go on an adventure of your heart. Sri Chinmoys path is the path of the heart. Inside our heart we can find love, bliss, peace and light in abundant measure. It is up to us to bring these qualities to the fore and share them with the rest of the world.
The door of our spiritual heart is always wide open for us. We only need to learn to be in silence and to travel to our heart room. With simple meditation exercises Shishir from Canada – a long disciple of Sri Chinmoy – helps you to go to this room and feel true peace and joy. Our heart room is the room where we can always go. When we find ourselves in difficult situations or when we just need some protection – just run to your heart and you will find what you need. Inside of us we have all that we need.
Enter into the world of spirituality and experience with us on the 23th and 24th of September at 7:30 pm moments of deep joy and everlasting satisfaction.
For further information call 0680 – 23 680 27.
“To love your heart of love is to love its Source: God.” – Sri Chinmoy