We invite you to a journey of celestial sounds to The Heart of Joy Cafe. Sublte sounds carry us deep into meditative consciousness. Deep inside of us during our meditation we are blessed to feel that we are all love, peace and joy. Anytime we can enter consciously into meditation while chanting, running, reading or listening to spiritual sounds. Meditation is possible everywhere and anytime. 

We start on the 10th of December at 8 pm. The entry is free!

“Meditation is our heart´s secret and sacred treasure.” – Sri Chimnoy

meditation concert

We invite you to a free meditation concert in Munich. The boys ensemble “Mahashakti” is arranging and playing the soulful music by spiritual master Sri Chinmoy. With guitar, harmonium and soulful singing are you able to enter easily and cheerfully into your meditation. Meditation with music is a very practical technique to help you explore the inner reality and experience vastness, fulness, peace and joy. 

The concert starts on the 14th of December at 7:30 pm in “Kunstraum Wild” (Amalienstraße 41) in Munich. 

No entrance fee!

“A soulful meditation is bound to activate our heart´s universal peace.” – Sri Chinmoy 


We invite you to our next free meditation workshop on 12th December. 

In our classes you have the unique opportunity to try out simple meditation techniques like visualizations, breathing exercises and meditation with spiritual music. The workshop starts at 7:30 pm in The Heart of Joy Cafe. 

Meditation is very practical and is able to embrace your whole life. When we open our heart during meditation and dive deep within we are blessed to discover all our hidden treasures – love, peace, joy, poise, enthusiasm. With the help of our regular meditation practice we are able to bring all these gifts to the fore and share them with our sisters and brothers in the world. 

We are looking forward to meet you! 

“There is nothing you cannot accomplish through meditation.” Sri Chinmoy