free meditation class

Shishir Pauk is a well known author from Canada and meditates already for over 40 years. During his workshops worldwide he inspires the participants to dive deep within. Shishir introduces in a humorous and hearty way the art of meditation. In this meditation class you will learn simple meditation exercises which you can easily use in your everyday life. Meditation offers you peace of mind, poise and lasting joy. Be inspired and discover your inner treasure!  

Call +43 680 23 680 27 for more information. Free entry! 

“Just one smile immensely increases the beauty of the universe.” – Sri Chinmoy 

We offer to all the members of the Vegan Community Austria (Vegane Gesellschaft) a special discount. Become a member on and you get 10 % discount every day from 3 pm on all our drinks and dishes. If you are a member you get cheaper prices  not only in restaurants and cafés but also in organic shops. 

In The Heart of Joy we cook daily fresh and tasty vegan food: vegan Currys, Indian Dhal with lentils, Falafel Wrap and vegan Sandwiches are loved by every vegan and non-vegan. 

On the weekends we are open till 8:30 pm. That means more time to enjoy our vegan drinks, coffees, and cakes! The cakes are really tasty and healthy aswell. The Raw Cakes from cashew nuts, coconut oil, dates and dried fruits are unique in Salzburg! 

“When we devotedly serve the world,

We offer our humility ,

Our capacity and our feeling of oneness.” – Sri Chinmoy