inspiring words


Hope-flower, hope-flower,

You have blossomed today

Inside my heart-tears.”

Sri Chinmoy, I long to quench my heart thirst, 1993


“Fear is afraid of faith,

 But faith

Is never afraid of fear.”

Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 24, Agni Press, 2002


“There is not a single human being

Who is not invited by God

To be in His Protection-Heart-Room.”

Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 14, Agni Press, 1999


“Just as bad thoughts

Can pierce our heart,

Good thoughts

Can heal our heart.”

Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 30, Agni Press, 2002


“Peace means joy;

Joy means peace.

Peace and joy can never

 Be separated.”

Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 16, Agni Press, 1999


“When nothing else works,

Try your soul’s silence-power.

It will definitely help you

And save you from your inner crisis.”

Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 189, Agni Press, 199


“Nature’s beauty helps us

To be as vast as possible,

As peaceful as possible

And as pure as possible.”

Sri Chinmoy, Silence calls me, 1993


We are very happy to invite you to a very special concert:

The ensemble Kamalakanta & Friends plays and arranges on synthesizer, flute and Indian harmonium the spiritual music of Sri Chimnoy, who composed over 23,000 devotional songs to inspire us to seek for inner peace and joy. Kamalakanta, born in Puerto Rico and now living in New York, tours for the first time trough Europe.

Here an audio sample of their CD “Destined“ . More music by Sri Chinmoy on Radio Sri Chinmoy.

The meditation concert starts on the 20th of February at 7:30 pm in The Heart of Joy Cafe. No entrance fee due to true yoga tradition. More information: + 43 680 23 680 27

We are looking forward to enjoy with you this peaceful and joyful evening!

In case you are inspired to listen to a concert of  Sri Chinmoy, the composer of the songs performed by Kamalakanta & Friends, you can watch the following video. Sri Chinmoy begings the concert with a short meditation.

“Cheerfulness always succeeds.“ – Sri Chinmoy


We are very happy to invite you to a new meditation class.

During our meditation workshop you will learn simple meditation techniques to support you to create a more balanced and harmonious life. Meditation brings to the fore your inner capacities. When you practice meditation regulary you will be able to strenghten all your good qualities such as love, peace, joy and patience.  

Join our next meditation workshop on 13th of February at 7:30 pm in the Sri Chinmoy Centre (Franz-Josef-Str. 3, Salzburg). Due to limited space, we kindly ask you to sign in for the class by giving us a call + 43 680 2368027.

We are looking forward to meet you!

“You can always do the right thing if you meditate, meditate, meditate.”

– Sri Chinmoy

If you use the Tripadvisor to search for ‘The best restaurants for breakfast in Salzburg’, you will find The Heart of Joy right there at the top of the list. In the firmament of Google Maps, 4.6 out of 5 stars are allotted to the café/restaurant and it has been graced with many hundreds of reviews.

For a good reason. Or rather: for many good reasons. 15, to be exact, as this is the number of the diverse and delicious breakfast variations on offer. You can order these treats as early as 8am and on 365 days a year (yes, we’re always open for you), choose between a simple sweet or savoury breakfast, have an omelette or enjoy a substantial vegan meal.

Our secret in The Heart of Joy: the carefully selected ingredients – many of which are organic – have been especially chosen to give you an uplifting culinary experience.

The short film

Moving breakfast pictures say more than a thousand words:

Our bread specialities and spreads

In Austria, we traditionally have bread for breakfast. In The Heart of Joy, we offer it in exciting varieties such as whole spelt bread with sun flower seeds, moorbread with nuts and carrots, or even Ciabatta. In case you suffer from allergies, you can also choose our gluten-free variety. As for spreads, you will find almost anything that an enjoyer of early-morning nourishment might desire: butter, its vegan version, cream cheese, hard cheese, Camembert, jam, honey, soft-boiled organic eggs or a homemade vegan spread. And since we would like your eyes to feast as well, we prepare your dishes with love and deliciously healthy decorations, for example in the form of vegetable sticks.

Our renowned coffee, organic and Ayurveda tees

Who doesn’t love a good coffee? Especially in the morning. Which is why we brew ours with one of the best Italian coffee makers called LaCimbali to achieve the fine taste that we always aim for. Add to it the fact we use (more than) fair traded organic coffee beans and you will understand why many of our costumers have praised our delicious hot beverage in their reviews. If coffee is not your cup of tea, however, we can offer you a wide variety of that, as well. Whether you like the traditional European choice of teas like green, Earl Grey, English Breakfast, peppermint, herbs or fruits – all in organic quality, of course – or you prefer to discover the unique taste of one of our 50 different Ayurvedic teas, you will be able to choose from the arguably greatest and healthiest selection of teas offered for breakfast anywhere in Salzburg.

Delicious organic coffee

Living Like God in France

To those of you who love the taste of France, we offer the breakfast choice Under the Eiffel tower. You can delight in one or more butter croissants. Or enjoy a French toast with fresh fruits and maple syrup (8.50 Euro).

You might also want to try our popular Farmer’s omelette (with onions, fresh vegetables, champignons, Ciabatta & butter) for 9.70 Euro, or the more aromatic Cheese omelette (also with Ciabatta & butter) for 8.30 Euro. The eggs for both omelettes are organic and the unrefined Himalayan salt that we use is said to be especially valuable from the Ayurvedic point of view.

More than just British: Porridge, the Superfood

Those who are fans of the traditional British porridge, as well as those aspiring to be, will appreciate our warm, Ayurvedic version with fresh fruits, cinnamon, cardamom & maple syrup for 7.90 Euro. It is a culinary delight as well as soothing to the stomach. Whoever wants to do even more for his health can order the Superfood Porridge for 9.40, which boasts added organic chia seeds as well as organic goji berries. And in case you’re wondering: it’s the organic oats and the coconut milk, which are responsible for the especially aromatic and very popular taste.

French Toast with fruits

Fit for the Day

If you need lots of energy, we recommend the breakfast option Fit: green tea, porridge with fruits, two slices of spelt bread, butter, Gouda cheese, fresh cheese and honey (for 10.40) are sure to help you seize your day. The additional, freshly squeezed orange juice which is part of the ‘The Heart of Joy’ Breakfast for 2 will give you an even stronger boost, as will the freshly squeezed carrot-apple-ginger juice which is part of the Ayurvedic breakfast.

For those of you who love to have slices of sausage on your bread, you can always order our savoury and tasty seitan sausage. But to be frank: our vegetarian restaurant is not really suited for true meat and fish lovers. Unless you’re looking for a tasty adventure. In this case: prepare to be amazed!

Four Vegan Breakfast Delights

We cater especially to the vegan-lovers among you, but also those who simply want to experience the joys of a delicious, healthy and purely plant-based breakfast. ‘The Heart of Joy’ Breakfast (for 9.40 Euro) starts you off with fine Indian Chai made with organic rice milk. It invites you to feast on homemade spreads, vegan butter, vegan sausage and spelt bread. Fresh and crisp vegetable sticks provide additional vital health. If you order it for two, you only pay 16.80 Euro. A real bargain, isn’t it? We also offer a Vedic Breakfast and two more vegan options for the most important meal of the day.

The Heart of Joy Breakfast

A Peaceful Breakfast in Salzburg also for the Later Risers

Whatever the time of day, we at The Heart of Joy aspire to always provide you with a relaxed, heartfelt and friendly atmosphere. Which comes natural to us, as many of the staff practise meditation. The orangey-earthy colour scheme and the soft but bright lighting add to the joyful ambience.

Now, as a special treat for those who love to stay in bed a little longer, we offer our breakfast options the whole day – from 8 am until 8:30 pm – on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. During the rest of the week (from Monday to Thursday) we serve breakfast from 8 am to 11 am. And – again – this paradise for breakfast lovers is open 365 days a year. If you plan on visiting us on a Saturday, Sunday or on a holiday, please consider reserving a seat in advance by phone: +43-662-890 773 or e-mail:

You want to know more? This is the way to our menu »

The Heart of Joy – Franz-Josef-Str. 3 – 5020 Salzburg – Austria
Mon-Thu: 8 am – 7 pm – Fri-Sun: 8 am – 8:30 pm


Pedacola is an invention from Peter Leitner from the region Mühlviertel in Upper Austria. Quickly he built up a reputation for his local coke – the Pedacola – which you can enjoy now in The Heart of Joy.

The hilly austrian district Mühlviertel – north from Linz – is the perfect spot to cultivate the main ingredient for his drink: the appleringie. 100% natural ingredients are making the drink so unique and tasty. Appleringie originally comes from the wearout plants and grows very easy no matter how hot or cold it is.

Since three years Peter dedicates himself full-time to his refreshing herbal drink. Remarkable is that his coke is white. Precicsly because Peter is avoiding caramel coloring and the cola nut. Therefore his drink is decaffeinated and loved by children aswell.

Peter loves to take care of the environment. This is why he cultivates the appleringie plants from six to eight different farmers in his region. In this way he reduces monoculture and saves the soil from partial planting. Another ingredient is the organic beet sugar which grows at the farm of Michael Luftensteiner in the beautiful Upper Austria region. Mint, vanilla and lemon are more ingredients of Pedacola.

In the small village of Pabneukirchen Pedacola is being soaked and filled into bottles by Johann Steiner – a dear friend of Peter. Peter loves simplicty – this is why he is packing and labelling the glass bottles with the fizzy drink on his own. He also delivers his creation to our restaurant.

All in all a 100% local organic product which is lovely fizzy and refreshing without any enhanced flavors. Mixed with sparkling water and a slice of lemon is Pedacola a wonderful organic tasty drink. Visit our restaurant and enjoy Pedacola.


Dear The Heart of Joy-Friends!

We are happy to announce that we are open for you on the 24th of December from 8-7 pm.

Also we love to serve you on the 25th and 26th of December from 8-7 pm.

We are looking forward to meet you! 

“When the heart is happy it embraces the whole world.” – Sri Chinmoy 

We invite you to a journey of celestial sounds to The Heart of Joy Cafe. Sublte sounds carry us deep into meditative consciousness. Deep inside of us during our meditation we are blessed to feel that we are all love, peace and joy. Anytime we can enter consciously into meditation while chanting, running, reading or listening to spiritual sounds. Meditation is possible everywhere and anytime. 

We start on the 10th of December at 8 pm. The entry is free!

“Meditation is our heart´s secret and sacred treasure.” – Sri Chimnoy

meditation concert

We invite you to a free meditation concert in Munich. The boys ensemble “Mahashakti” is arranging and playing the soulful music by spiritual master Sri Chinmoy. With guitar, harmonium and soulful singing are you able to enter easily and cheerfully into your meditation. Meditation with music is a very practical technique to help you explore the inner reality and experience vastness, fulness, peace and joy. 

The concert starts on the 14th of December at 7:30 pm in “Kunstraum Wild” (Amalienstraße 41) in Munich. 

No entrance fee!

“A soulful meditation is bound to activate our heart´s universal peace.” – Sri Chinmoy 


We invite you to our next free meditation workshop on 12th December. 

In our classes you have the unique opportunity to try out simple meditation techniques like visualizations, breathing exercises and meditation with spiritual music. The workshop starts at 7:30 pm in The Heart of Joy Cafe. 

Meditation is very practical and is able to embrace your whole life. When we open our heart during meditation and dive deep within we are blessed to discover all our hidden treasures – love, peace, joy, poise, enthusiasm. With the help of our regular meditation practice we are able to bring all these gifts to the fore and share them with our sisters and brothers in the world. 

We are looking forward to meet you! 

“There is nothing you cannot accomplish through meditation.” Sri Chinmoy 


Antaranga Gressenich invites you to a free meditation class on the 5th and 6th of October. With simple and effective meditation techniques you will be able to elevate your consciousness and establish more happiness and balance in your life. The class on Saturday the 5th starts at 2 pm till 6 pm. Sunday we will meet at 10 am till 4 pm. 

“If we want to have true joy, true peace and true divine qualities, then we must be totally detached.”

– Sri Chimnoy 

We are looking forward to meet you!

Registration and more information: +43 680 23 680 27

Event location: Franz-Josef-Str. 3, 5020 Salzburg, Event Room 2nd floor