concert in The Heart of Joy

In May we invite you to a relaxing and meditative evening in The Heart of Joy Café in Salzburg!

On a regular basis we offer meditation concerts always free of charge. This month Kanala from Vienna and his friend Sadanand from Ireland are visiting us to play for us the music from Sri Chinmoy on classical indian instruments. Kanala plays his favourite Sitar and Sadanand is accompaning him on the Tabla.

Come in on the 18th of May at 8:30 pm and enjoy a peaceful evening full of indian sounds. Listen to this audio sample:  Kanala & Sadanand

Before the concert starts you are warmly welcome to enjoy our vegan – vegetarian food. Try our homemade mango lassi, our fruity berry nut cake with chocolate or something salty like our vegan Curry, Dhal or delicous Ciabattas.

We are happy to welcome you!


“The music of the heart
Awakens me.” – Sri Chinmoy – Musician, poet, athlete, spiritual teacher

meditation class for free

We offer in our Restaurant not only delicous vegan-vegetarian food – we give Meditation workshops aswell. Always free of charge!

In May our good friend from Canada – Shishir Pauk – visists us and will provide you with some simple meditation techniques for home, some mantras you can use and how to calm the mind. In his workshops Shishir uses lots of joy and humour from the heart and answers happily your question on meditation and spirituality.

Contact us to get the Workshop dates and times: +43 680-23 680 27

We are looking forward to welcome you in “The Heart of Joy Café” for a peaceful and deep meditaion evening.


close to mirabell garden
Our vegan-vegetarian Restaurant is located only 150 metres away from the famous and most beautiful garden in Salzburg: the garden Mirabell.
Every season you can enjoy there the flowers and trees – relax – breathe in and out and apprecciate all the beauty of Mother nature.
Afterwards you can visit us – have a vegan cake or Thai Curry and continue your journey well nourished through the city. Many attractions are waiting for you.
My personal tip: After visiting the fortress “Hohensalzburg” which is on the other side of the river on a little mountain – take your time to walk through the forest – pass all the viewpoints – and listen to the silence of Nature.