Good News

In our blog Good News you find interesting background reports concerning our restaurant as well as informations about concerts, meditation classes and meditation weekends in The Heart of Joy and other places. They are always free of charge due to true yoga tradition.

Musicians from Austria and international ensembles play the meditative and soulful compositions of Sri Chinmoy in our restaurant.

We wish you an uplifting and peaceful stay in The Heart of Joy.

Discount for Vegan Community

We offer to all the members of the Vegan Community Austria (Vegane Gesellschaft) a special discount. Become a member on and you get 10 % discount every day from 3 pm on all our drinks and dishes. If you are a member you…
songs of the soul tour in salzburg

Songs of the Soul – live in Concert

Songs of the Soul - live in Salzburg! The internationally well known music tour "Songs of the Soul" visits 2019 Salzburg. Music groups from all over the world arrange and perform the soulful music from composer and spiritual leader Sri…
free blue flower concert

Concert with Blue Flower

We happily invite you to two free meditation concerts from the female group "Blue Flower". This group was formed in Serbia and - like many music groups of the Sri Chinmoy Centre -  Blue Flower combines both Eastern and Western instruments…
mantra singing

Mantra singing

Happy New Year 2019! We want to start the new year with you with a soulful mantra singing session in The Heart of Joy Café. We will meet on the 29th of January at 7.30 pm and sing the soulful compositions from spiritual master and…
vegan apple cake

Vegan Restaurant in Salzburg

In The Heart of Joy we are offering to vegan fans very delicious desserts. Our raw vegan cakes are extremely famous. Selected dried fruits, cocnut oil and cashew nuts are making this cake so rich and special in taste. We serve other plant-based…
vegan kiflis

Vegan Kiflis now available

A real vegan treat! This traditional austrian yeast roll is made into a crescent shape and tastes just perfect with a cup of tea or coffee after a delicious meal in The Heart of Joy. Made with lots of love - our kiflis are homemade, vegan…
free concert

Free Sitar and tambura concert

We happily invite you to another meditative concert evening in The Heart of Joy Café. Next friday on the 21st at 8:30 pm we offer you a peaceful musical event. The subtle sounds from the indian sitar and the pure expression from the tambura…
meditation class for free

Meditation class

Meditation: The Language of God "It is only through meditation that we can get lasting peace, divine peace. If we meditate soulfully in the morning and receive peace for only one minute, that one minute of peace will permeate our whole…
free mantric evening

Mantra singing

"Soulful music is the music that immediately elevates our consciousness to the highest. Soulful music takes us into the world of aspiration. From aspiration we enter into the world of realisation, where our inner existence is flooded with…