Good News
In our blog Good News you find interesting background reports concerning our restaurant as well as informations about concerts, meditation classes and meditation weekends in The Heart of Joy and other places. They are always free of charge due to true yoga tradition.
Musicians from Austria and international ensembles play the meditative and soulful compositions of Sri Chinmoy in our restaurant.
We wish you an uplifting and peaceful stay in The Heart of Joy.

Sitar Concert
Dear Sitar friends!
We happily invite you to a free meditation concert. Kanala from Vienna and Raga from Salzburg are playing for us Sri Chinmoys songs on the indian sitar and tampura.
You can enjoy an evenig full of soulful…

We offer you this june free meditation classes!
You will learn simple meditation techniques, breathing and visualisation exercises. Equipped with these techniques you will be able to live a life with more peace, poise, joy and calmness.

Medtitaion brings our Inner sun to the fore, which feeds us with inner peace and joy. Everyone has this Inner sun and everyone has the capacity to live a happy, healthy and peaceful life. Meditation helps us in remembering this Inner treasure…

Meditation Workshop
We offer in our Restaurant not only delicous vegan-vegetarian food - we give Meditation workshops aswell. Always free of charge!
In May our good friend from Canada - Shishir Pauk - visists us and will provide you with some simple meditation…

Close to Mirabell Garden
Our vegan-vegetarian Restaurant is located only 150 metres away from the famous and most beautiful garden in Salzburg: the garden Mirabell.
Every season you can enjoy there the flowers and trees - relax - breathe in and…