Legal Notice
The Heart of Joy e.U.
Priyavadin Reisecker
Franz-Josef-Strasse 3
5020 Salzburg
Phone: 0662-890 773
Fax: 0662-890 773
Business purpose: Gastronomy
UID number: ATU 71966018
Company register number: FN 237206 h
Commercial register court: Salzburg regional court
Registered office: Franz-Josef-Str. 3, 5020 Salzburg
Member of: WKS, Salzburg Chamber of Commerce
Professional law: Trade regulations:
Supervisory authority/trade authority: Municipality of Salzburg
Job title: Restaurateur, vegetarian café-restaurant
Awarding state: Austria
Responsible for content according to § 25 Media Act:
Priyavadin Reisecker
The Heart of Joy e.U.
Franz-Josef-Strasse 3
5020 Salzburg
Copyright notice
All contents of this website (images, photos, texts, videos) are subject to copyright.
Picture credits
The images, photos and graphics on this website are protected by copyright.
The image rights are held by the following photographers and companies:
- Photographer Robert Fischhuber
- Photographer Dominik Ulmann
- Photographer Udrzula Fiederowicz
- Photographer Marco Riebler/Salzburger Fenster – Photo of Katharina Maier
- Photographer Ramón Borreguero Estévez
- Photographer Markus Imhof
- Photographer Patricia Daxner
- Photographer Antaranga Gressenich
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